How to repair 7250i with Contact Service, reason ST_SW_TYPE_VALIDITY_TEST

oday, I am sharing with you a method, How to repair 7250i with Contact Service, reason ST_SW_TYPE_VALIDITY_TEST, Which you can learn free from here. I am happy to share my knowledge with you so that you can easily repair your mobiles. You can also send me questions about your problems.

1. Flash you phone with latest pack - 5.41 (MCU, CP, PPM).

2. Make a copy of the MCU file "nhl4jx05.410". Open it with any

Hex Editor and change the following addresses:

(address: orig -> modified)

DC: 24 ->73

E0: AE ->5F

107: 4A ->50

108: D6 ->81

37C964: 81 ->CA

37C968: 46 ->FD

38092F: E0 ->AB

380930: 89 ->00

380931: E8 ->7A

380932: 04 ->46

380933: 1E ->75

380934: 59 ->E8

380935: 93 ->44

380936: 4F ->39

380937: 39 ->4B

380938: FB ->97

380939: 59 ->1A

38093A: F5 ->07

38093B: 74 ->15

38093C: F6 ->A9

38093D: 6F ->24

38093E: F1 ->78

38093F: 14 ->2B

380940: C8 ->D6

380941: 67 ->FA

380942: 95 ->90

380943: 95 ->F5

380944: 73 ->3E

380945: 7C ->AD

3. Save it and then just flash the modified mcu file,  by skipping authentification (Skip A on prodigy flash example).   Erase only area 1 and 2, skip 3,4,5 and 6.

4. Enjoy


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